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What Are the Types of Local Exhaust Ventilation?

LEV is important when there are contaminated substances in the workplace, especially in industrial and commercial buildings. These are those that are intended to be used in catching and eradicating undesirable matters like for instance dust, fumes, vapours and gases to provide a healthy workplace environment. WBT Services Ltd is an industrial solutions provider spread across the country which especially focuses on availing efficient LEV solutions. This blog looks at various types of LEV systems, and how LEV system installation, LEV testing and LEV servicing is crucial.

Understanding LEV Systems

LEV systems function in the removal of emissions at or close to the source of emission and then transporting the contaminated air from the working area through filter or dismissal. They are very useful in minimising the exposure of employees to toxic compounds and the resultant general and legal compliance on safety matters.

Constituent Parts Transition to LEV Systems

An LEV system typically comprises several components:

1. Hood: The component of the system that traps contaminants and any possibly dangerous things at the place where they are first located.

2. Ducting: Hood to cleaner or filter – this moves the captured air and contaminants from the hood and deposits it to the cleaner or filter.

3. Air Cleaner/Filter: Filters the air before it is expelled out of the room or within the building as the case may be, or back to the environment.

4. Fan: Gives the required draw to ensure that the contaminated air is pulled through the system.

5. Discharge Outlet: Expels the cleaned air to the environment or returns it to other areas within the workplace.

Types of Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems

Depending on the characteristics of the industry and working conditions it is divided into different kinds of LEV systems. The different kinds of systems must be understood to facilitate proper identification of the most appropriate system for a certain use.

1. Canopy Hoods

Canopy hoods are generally used over areas of heat including generation, for example, cooking or welding to contain the emitting fumes and vapours. They are mainly based on the natural convection airflow means through which hot air is felt rising and is channelled by a hood placed directly over the hot source.


- Commercial kitchens

- Welding workshops

- Foundries


- Suitable for grabbing hot contaminants

- They are characterised by simple design and installation.

2. Slot Hoods

Slot hoods are intercepting ducts that are long and narrow to capture contaminants in a certain area. These hoods are normally incorporated in processes where contaminants are produced in a line fashion.


- Spray painting

- Chemical baths

- Plating operations


- To local sources the system is efficient

- Adaptable to the needs of the specific process it will be used for

3. Downdraft Tables

Downdraft tables utilise an inlay extraction system that sucks fumes and other contaminants towards the bottom of the table. This provision of the LEV system is very efficient to establish in operations installing handling dust or fumes.


- Grinding

- Sanding

- Soldering


- Offers a clean planchet for work

- Ensures that contaminants do not go higher up into the breathing level of workers.

4. Enclosure Hoods

Enclosure hoods fully or partially cover the source of contamination preventing the contaminants from spreading and getting in contact with other objects. These hoods are nice to be used in processes that produce high amounts of dangerous compounds.


- Laboratory fume hoods

- Glove boxes

- Containment booths


- High containment efficiency

- It safeguards both the employees and the natural environment in ways that are described above.

5. Captor Hoods

The function of Captor hoods is to generate a particular flow of air and contaminate draw towards the hood. They are normally employed in circumstances that do not allow the placement of a hood over the source.


- Mixing operations

- Large workpieces

- Open surface tanks


- Flexible positioning

- Should be able to capture the contaminants from a distance

6. Portable LEV Systems

Electrical LEV systems are transportable and can be transferred from one part of a working area to another. Such systems are in general use and can always be applied to any process.


- Temporary workstations

- Maintenance operations

- Small-scale manufacturing


- Flexibility and mobility

- Economical for small or restricted structures or layouts.

As mentioned above, LEV system installation is significant in preventing explosions, fires and poisonous chemicals released in any processing industry.

One of the important factors of control is the installation and setup of the LEV system in the workplace. Such a system can be installed inadequately and not effectively filter the contaminants; this can cause health issues among persons utilising the building and bring violations of the law. A client should ensure that WBT Services Ltd. delivers LEV systems that will suit their need as a client depending on the type of contamination, the workplace layout, and activities.

The following are the steps to implement the LEV system:

1. Assessment: Evaluating the characteristics of the workplace, as well as the outline of the origin of contaminators, and the general requirement for the enterprise.

2. Design: For the LEV system to be properly made, one needs to ensure that the design lives up to the needed standards to capture and expel the contaminants properly.

3. Installation: Professional setting of the components of the system to guarantee that the system works optimally.

4. Commissioning: The process of conducting tests about the installed system to check whether the system performs to the required standards set and complies with the relevant laws.

Importance of Professional Installation

Technical installation by qualified personnel confirms that the LEV system required is optimal for functioning. WBT Services Ltd. operates according to the standards of the given industry and contributes the highest quality materials for crafting long-lasting systems. This quality assurance aspect is quite crucial as it enhances the system's efficiency and protects employees’ health.

LEV Testing

Periodic testing of the LEV system is recommended to make sure that the system is still effective. Flush after time may deteriorate some parts or lines may get blocked, thus the efficiency of the system declines. Daily checkups are essential since they assist in early prognosis as well as maintenance and repair work.

Types of LEV Testing

1. Initial Testing: Testing that is done after the implementation process to try and establish whether the installed system has met the design requirements and if it will meet the current set of legal requirements if put to use.

2. Routine Testing: Performing tests that will check the system for malfunctions from time to time.

3. Performance Testing: Compares and determines if the system is efficient in collecting and eliminating contaminants.

4. Compliance Testing: Makes sure all requirements concerning the health and safety of those involved in the functioning of the system have been met.

Advantages of Routine LEV Examining

- Health and Safety: Guarantees that the system protects the employees from dangerous chemicals as required.

- Regulatory Compliance: Measures the aspects of the law that deal with the health and safety standards that can help businesses avoid legal consequences.

- Cost Savings: Problems which go unnoticed can at times lead to expensive repairs and time wastage.

- System Longevity: The LEV system’s durability is increased through the practices of testing and maintenance.

WBT Services Ltd. currently offers efficient LEV testing services with the core aim of ensuring that clients’ systems are fully functional and in conformity with the existing regulations.

LEV Servicing

It is imperative to schedule LEV servicing to maintain the system’s efficiency for the welfare of the clients in the workplace. In servicing the occupants indicted the system through inspection, cleaning and minor repairs to ensure that it is in good condition.

Components of LEV Servicing

1. Inspection: Examining the components of the system to determine if there are signs of wear, blockage or the like.

2. Cleaning: Cleaning to get rid of any accumulated deposits to enhance the functionality of the system.

3. Repairs: Rebuilding or reinstalling the system parts to improve the function of the system.

4. Documentation: Documenting servicing activities to achieve compliance with the laws that govern the sector and to ease the subsequent tasks of maintenance.

The following are the reasons why LEV should be serviced frequently:

- Ensures Safety: Servicing of the system helps it retain its efficiency in the trapping of damaging particulate and removal of health-compromising elements for the workers.

- Maintains Compliance: Assists organisations to conform to the laws and to steer clear of legal concerns.

- Prevents Downtime: Maintenance saves the organisation from suffering from unavoidable system breakdowns which are unreceptive to the business.

- Extends System Life: Services ensure that the frequency of maintenance of the LEV system is checked thus enhancing the longevity of the system and making it more economical in the long run.

WBT Services Ltd. can provide customers with all kinds of LEV servicing and we adjust our offer to the demands of the individual client. The qualified staff of the company makes sure that all the servicing activities are performed with the proper degree of quality, thus maintaining the efficiency of the LEV system.

Why WBT Services Ltd.?

WBT Services Ltd. focuses on providing the most efficient LEV services depending on the individual needs of every client. The professional and specialised team guarantees the sale of high-performance systems that can meet the needs and expectations of the clients in terms of the quality that can be attained in the marketplace today.

Tailored Solutions

Thus, WBT Services Ltd. approaches every project with a clean page as each LEV system is custom-built and installed according to the client’s needs. It has the advantage of offering a highly protective working environment to the workers as well as adherence to all the existing regulations.

Quality Assurance

WBT Services Ltd. then follows industry best practices and uses high-quality materials to construct their LEV systems so they are robust. Thus, such commitment helps to ensure that the systems are effective and offer timeless value to the clients.


Services Ltd designs a system to make our earth green for the future, We at WBT Services Ltd. Their LEV systems allow the businesses to discharge fewer hazardous substances into the atmosphere thus ensuring that their impact on the environment is reduced.

Customer-Focused Approach

WBT Services Ltd is committed to providing clients with all the necessary information, an undoubted approach, and sustainable cooperation. It’s a client-centric firm and does everything to find out the final and optimal value of its solutions for the clients. This creates a good reputation and successful performance of every project that is carried out by the company.


LEV refers to the local exhaust ventilation systems which are very crucial in creating a healthy workplace through proper control of exposure to substances. An understanding of the various types of LEV systems assists in the choice of the right type of LEV for certain uses. Some guidelines have to be followed concerning the installations of the LEV systems, LEV testing, and LEV servicing to ensure that the systems can offer the required protection to the workers in the building structures. WBT Services Ltd. stands out for offering quality and efficient LEV services that can be aligned with the needs of clients in a bid to have their systems up and running, not forgetting the compliance with legal provisions. Thus, employing the services of WBT Services Ltd. directly results in higher efficiency, productivity as well and sustainability, features that will in one way or another reduce the rate of accidents in workplaces hence improving the general health of employees in organisations.

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